piątek, 8 maja 2009

Paraphrasing 1

Na poziomie rozszerzonym matury pod nazwą "stuktury gramatyczno-leksykalne" często pojawia się tzw. parafrazowanie zdań. W tym roku już po maturze, ale możemy zacząć przygotowywać się do matury w przyszłym roku (to do Was, drugoklasiści) ;)
Na początek proponuję przerobić zdania, które pojawiły się już w poprzednich latach, gdyż często są bardzo podobne zagadnieniowo.

Matura próbna 2004
1. James was unaware of his girlfriend’s plans for Christmas. SLIGHTEST
James ____________________________________________________________ his girlfriend’s
plans for Christmas.

2. Sheila was late for school because she didn’t leave home early enough. IF
Sheila _____________________________________________________________________ home
early enough.

3. They failed to arrive at the party and they forgot to call to inform us about it. ALSO
Not ________________________________________________________________________
forgot to call to inform us about it.

4. “What do you intend to do?”, I asked. INTENTION
I asked him ________________________________________________________________ .

Matura próbna - styczeń 2006
5. If you see the milkman, tell him that we are leaving on Monday.
Should ……………………………………….. , tell him that we are leaving on Monday.

6. They were watering the garden from five to seven yesterday.
The garden ……………………………………………… from five to seven yesterday.

7. ‘You have lied, John!’ exclaimed Paula.
Paula accused John …………………………………….. .

8. It is a shame my best friend smokes like a chimney.
I wish my best friend ………………………………………… like a chimney.

9. An optician should check his eyesight as soon as possible.
He should…………………………………............… by an optician as soon as possible.

1. didn’'t have the slightest idea about 
2. wouldn’'t have been late for school if she had left - III okres warunkowy / 3rd Conditional
3. only did they fail to arrive at the party but they also - Inwersja / Inversion
4. what his intention was.

5. you see the milkman - Inwersja, II okres warunkowy / Inversion, 2nd Conditional
6. was being watered - Strona bierna / Passive Voice
7. of lying / of having lied - Mowa zależna / Reported Speech
8. did not smoke / would not smoke - I wish...
9. have his eyesight checked - Causative Form

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